
Macy -Roblox Pc/Quest

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Macy -Roblox Pc/Quest


Cute roblox themes avatar that took me a while to make.

Common Questions:

Q. Can I get free uploads if I purchase?
A. Yes as long as you verify you purchased the avatar.

Q. If I don't have enough is there a way to get this cheeper?
A. Yes, I give out cheep codes depending on if you can't afford the avatar.

My server to see the progress of all avatars made/ soon making:
Avatar world to try out all my models:https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_85164ae3-1e44-4999-9739-3e98fa3f1439

Toggle video:

Body:ZinPia- ScarlettVR EDIT!! No reuse or copy
Hairs:BunisuVR, Saikura's Haven
Clothes: Q'sitica(gumroad.com) ,SoapTaker(gumroad.com), ItsYukinaVR (@ItsYukinaVR) - Jinxxy, š““š“²š“Ŗš“«š“µš“²š“½š“Ŗ(gumroad.com), OliverVRC(gumroad.com), Saikura's Haven, GMsbox - Payhip, Sezzy(gumroad.com), Scoops Corner - Payhip
Accessories: Yukina's Atelier, rinebean(gumroad.com), OliverVRC(gumroad.com), cosmichai(gumroad.com)

Term of Use/Service:

惻Do NOT claim as your own.

惻Do NOT resell the item itself

惻Credit Me when using on any model

惻Do NOT redistribute my packages in any way, shape or form.

惻You can put it on any model and sell it.

惻The models/assets you buy from my shop are not refundable.

惻Feel free to sell this onto any finished project such as commissions, public avatars, nitro avatars, and paid models.

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No refunds allowed